Stars of the Week – January 9th
/in 2020-2021 School Year /by Ayesha AnisCongratulations!!
- Arabic L1- Hiba Mahmood
- Arabic L2- Ishan Mohamed Imran
- Arabic L3- Lina Adel
- Prek- Sofia Khan
- KG- Ayana Riyas
- 1st- Safoora Zackria
- 2nd- Dahlia El-Maghraby
- 3rd- Ariana Jafri
- 4th- Ashaz Hussainy
- 5th- Mazen Saleem
- 7th- Sara Fathima
Salah Connection
/in 2020-2021 School Year /by Admin UserRecite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do. (29:45)
Before we resume our classes on January 9th, 2021, insh’Allah, we highly encourage you to take some time to learn, review and strengthen your family’s salat. Our Quran team has worked diligently to prepare a short video and document for you to view and read with your child(ren). You can also find these resources in your child’s Google Classroom. We pray that salat brings patience, good values and unity to your family, insh’Allah.
Virtual Muslims Around the World 2020
/in 2020-2021 School Year /by Admin UserJourney to and explore Islam in Brazil, the Philippines, Zimbabwe, New Zealand and the United States of America!
Stars of the Week – December 5th
/in 2020-2021 School Year /by Admin UserCongratulations!!
- Arabic L1- Hiba Mahmood
- Arabic L2- Hussein lawal
- Arabic L3- Sammy Elmehdoui
- Prek- Sofia Khan
- KG- Maryam Hassan
- 1st- Safoora Zackria
- 2nd- Tehreem Zeeshan
- 3rd- Inaya Fakhruddin
- 4th- Zoya Qadri
- 5th- Maaha Baig
- 6th- Mohammed Zamankhan
- 7th- Maab Khorsahein
One Ummah
/in 2020-2021 School Year /by Admin User