SAVE THE DATE!  Curriculum Day at Fischer Middle School, Saturday, September 28, 10:30am

Islamic Studies Syllabus 2023-24


Book – Sayings of Rasulullah 


◦ Our Beliefs – Allah is one, we are Muslims, first and last prophets 

◦ 5 Pillars of Islam – Shahadah, salah, sawm, zakaat, hajj

◦ Prophets – Mohammad pbuh, Adam as, Ibrahim as, Ismail as, Ishaq as


Book – Our religion is Islam


◦ Our Beliefs – Allah is one, we are Muslims, first and last prophets 

◦ 5 Pillars of Islam – Shahadah, salah, sawm, zakaat, hajj

◦ Prophets – Mohammad pbuh, Adam as, Ibrahim as, Ismail as, Ishaq as


Book – Islamic Studies text and workbook 1 by Safar Publications 


◦ Our Beliefs – Allah swt, books, angels, salah, wudu

◦ 5 Pillars of Islam – Shahadah, salah, sawm, zakaat, hajj

◦ Prophets – First and last prophets 

◦ Manners – Keeping clean, everyday duas


Book – Islamic Studies text and workbook 2 by Safar Publications 


◦ Tawheed – Six articles of Faith

◦ 5 Pillars of Islam – Shahadah, salah, sawm, zakaat, hajj

◦ Prophet Mohammad pbuh – Revelation, companions, hijrah

◦ Our Prophets – Adam as, Nuh as, Year of elephant 


Book – Islamic Studies text and workbook 3 by Safar Publications 


◦ Our beliefs – Names of Allah swt, angels, books, prophets 

◦ Salaah – Names of salah, steps of salah, wudu, times of salah

◦ Manners and Etiquettes – Cleanliness, manners in masjid, permissible food, good and bad manners 

◦ Prophet Mohammad pbuh and his companions – Hud, Salih, Shuayb, Badr-e-uhd

4th GRADE 

Book – Islamic Studies tex and workbook 4 by Safar Publications 


◦ Beliefs – Names of Allah, Day of judgment, angels

◦ Fiqh – Salah, ghusl, tayammum, Najasah

◦ Personal development – virtues and actions, sins and shirk, good character and brotherhood 

◦ History – Prophet Ibrahim as, Battle of hudebiyah and trench

5th GRADE 

Book – Islamic Studies tex and workbook 5 by Safar Publications 


◦ Aqidah – Names of Allah, Day of judgment, angels

◦ Fiqh – forbidden times of Salah, ghusl, tayammum, salah breaker

◦ Personal development – Islamic dress code, good character and sins

◦ History – Prophets Ayub as, Yunus as, Dawud and Jalut

6th GRADE 

Book – Islamic Studies tex and workbook 6 by Safar Publications 


◦ Aqidah – Recognizing Allah swt, Tawheed, shirk,  characters of the prophets 

◦ Fiqh – Rulings of wudu, ghusl, Adhan and Iqamah, salaah drill

◦ Personal development – Virtues of Quran, obedience to Allah swt and messanger, concentration in salah

◦ History – Prophets Sulayman, Yaqub, and Ishaq as

7th GRADE 

Book – Islamic Studies tex and workbook 7 by Safar Publications 


◦ Aqidah – Tawheed, angels, Life of prophet, story of Musa and Khidhr as

◦ Fiqh – Wudu, Salah, Salah in exceptional circumstances, salaatul jummah, fasting, itikaaf, Zakaat, sadaqa

◦ History – Prophets Yusuf, Zakariya, Yahya as

◦ Lifestyle & Issues – Being Muslim today, Technology & Media