Dear Parents Assalam-o-Alaikum,
Alhamdulilah we have some exciting events planned for this month. See the details below.
Special Event- April 30th — Projects Presentation & Family Fun Day!
Projects Presentation & Family Fun Day! Student project display, Socializing, activities, food, and more! Regular classes will be held on April 30th.

We need parents help on Saturday, April 30th for the Projects Presentation & Family Fun day event. If you can assist us on April 30th, please come to parent volunteer meeting on Saturday, April 16th at 10:30am at AFA.
Graduation Date Change
Please note: The ICN Al-Falah Academy graduation will be held on MAY 7th inshaAllah!
The orginal date placed on the calendar was May 14th. Due to the Annual Autism Walk by the Autism Speaks organization, and ICN Al-Falah Academy’s involvement with MUHSEN, we have changed the date in order to allow for families to attend the autism walk in sha Allah. We encourage everyone to sign up with Team MUHSEN and attend the walk!
Registration for 2016-17 is now open!
Register soon! Visit to register.
5th grade Special Project!
The little philanthropists in Grade 5- Section 1 would like to invite you to their fund raising!
Held at the ICN Al-Falah Academy on April 30th

Share the Gift of Reading – April 16th & 23rd:
It’s essential that refuge children have opportunities to grow, learn and continue their development. We provide them books and stationary to support them in the kind manner.

Connections Feedback Survey
Kashif Fakhruddin
ICN Al-Falah Academy Principal
Love, Learn, Live Islam