Dear Parents, Assalamu Alaikum
We are very excited to share important information regarding the new programs at ICN Al-Falah Academy! Registration is open, please register soon to reserve your seat.
Returning students must register by Aug 21st. Seats are limited.
Existing Students Registration: Click here
New Students Registration: Click here
New Arabic Program Registration (see flyer below):
Our new elective Arabic program from 9 am to 10 am, has 3 levels. If you would like to enroll your child into this Arabic program (elective), please click the link below. In order to benefit every student, please fill out the questionnaire in the registration form so that each student is placed in the appropriate level according to their prior knowledge of the Arabic language. Click here to register.
Youth Program (please see flyer below)
Exciting and enriching 3 year youth program. Students in grades 8+ should not miss out! It’s a lot more than books and lectures
School Supply List
Please click on link below to view your supply list by grade and make sure you bring this on the first day of classes
Click here for School Supply List
Parent Volunteers
JazakAllahkhair to the parents who have signed up to volunteer. We are requesting parents to at least sign-up for 2 hours to help us during school year. We will reach out to you with more information on the task assignment. During registration you can provide your contact information to help ICN AFA.
New “Connections” Program
The new “Connections” period will include various topics to enrich the student’s Islamic education and assist in practical implementation, through interactive sessions and hands-on projects and creative assessments. We ask that parents stay involved with their child’s progress to ensure that the topics being taught are being integrated into their lives, InshaAllah.
Units Covered:
1) Community Building; Importance & Active Civic Engagement
2) Muslim Achievers; Leadership
3) Health & Character Building
4) Salah
5) Self Assessment
Support for Students’ with Special Needs
For the 2015-2016 school year, we are happy to announce, we are working in conjunction with the Chicago MUHSEN Chapter and will be welcoming children of All Abilities to Al Falah. If Special Needs Accommodations are required in order for your child to attend classes, kindly fill out the information in the link provided and we will contact you to see what services can be offered to suit your child’s needs inshaa Allah. Please spread the word! Click here to fill out the form.
Revised Qur’an Curriculum
The Qur’an Curriculum at ICN Al-Falah Academy has been revamped! This year, grades Pre-K through 4th grade will be focusing on solidifying correct pronunciation of the Qur’an as well as some memorization. 5th grade through 7th grade will be focusing on intermediate to advanced level tajweed rules and tafseer of the holy Qur’an. More details will be sent on the first day of school InshaAllah.
ICN Al-Falah Academy Soccer
Alhamdulillah the ICN AFA soccer program held during the weekdays was well received last year and we’re bringing it back again this year InshAllah!
ICN Al-Falah Academy Swimming
This year we will be introducing segregated swimming lessons, stay tuned for more details InshaAllah!

Sincerely,Kashif Fakhruddin
ICN Al-Falah Academy Principal
Love, Learn, Live Islam