Muslims Around the World 2022!
/in Connections, Featured, News / Events, Uncategorized /by Ayesha Anis
2019-2020 Registration now open!
/in News / Events, Registration /by Admin UserAssalamu alaykum wr wb,
Registration for ICN Al-Falah Academy is NOW OPEN! Register your child for the 2019-2020 school year today! Pre-k through 7th Grade & Youth Program for 8th-10th.
ICN Al-Falah Academy is a Saturday Islamic Education program serving Naperville and surrounding areas. We aim to foster active Islamic learning in a positive environment. Our goal is to nurture imaan in young Muslims & enable them to become impactful leaders, inshaAllah.
Subjects Areas:
- Islamic Studies– Seerah, aqeedah, fiqh, and hadith.
- Quran– Vocabulary, makahrij, tajweed, and tafseer.
- Connections– Project-based learning to make real-world connections and apply adab and akhlaq to serve the greater community.
- Arabic– Elective program for dedicated students. Letter recognition, reading, writing, taught by native Arabic speakers.
Additional Enrichment:
- Surah Club– Optional surah memorization program to encourage students to memorize & recite the book of Allah.
- Quiz Bowl– Islamic trivia competition for 2nd grade and above designed to help students retain information learned in Islamic Studies.
- Salah Connection– Optional competition to encourage students to memorize the translation of the prayers within salah.
- Field Trips/Family Outings– Service field trips for students and outings with the entire family to cultivate healthy social connections with the Muslim community.
Don’t miss out on an incredible opportunity to be a part of the ICN Al-Falah Academy family. Love, learn, and Live Islam with us!
Jazakum Allahu Khayran,
Kashif Fakhruddin
ICN Al-Falah Academy
Love, Learn, & Live Islam
May 4th: Class of 2019 Graduation
/in News / Events /by Admin UserAssalamu-alaikum,
Join us in celebrating the Graduation of the Class of 2019, Alhamdulillah.
Click HERE to View Graduation Program Schedule
Note: This year, the standard based grading reports are available online for viewing. Please login using your student’s ID number
Online Grades Portal:
If you have any questions, please email
Important: 2018-19 School Year
/in News / Events /by Admin UserAssalamu-alaikum Parents,
We hope everybody enjoyed their summer and are now getting back to routine with school.
We are very excited to welcome our students on Saturday, September 8th.
Last day to register online is Sunday, September 2nd, 2018. I
Online Registration Deadline:
Sunday, September 2nd
Registration Link:
Seats are limited, register soon.
JazakAllah khair
Kashif Fakhruddin
2018-19 School Year
/in News / Events /by Admin User
Assalamualaikum wr wb dear Parents,
We are quickly approaching the beginning of the 2018-19 ICN Al-Farah Academy school year! The team is preparing the year’s curriculum, special events, and extra curricular activities.
As we gear up for another exciting year, we urge you to register your child as soon as possible. Click here to register
Our school is known as one where students actively engage in learning from a comprehensive Islamic curriculum designed to instill love for the deen, while teaching them how to live and apply the deen as well.
Please look out for another email coming soon with details about an upcoming Open House in August InshaAllah.
We are looking forward to another wonderful school year InshaAllah!
AFA FB page:
JazakAllah khair
Kashif Fakhruddin
AFA Graduation Ceremony & Kids Carnival – Saturday, May 12th 2018
/in News / Events /by Admin UserGraduation Ceremony will begin promptly at 10 AM in sha Allah. Please arrive by 9:55 AM. Click HERE for Graduation Day Outline.
Carnival & Bake Sale: Carnival will start at 12:30 in the small gym. Please bring your kids for fun time and a chance to WIN a basket! There will be food for sale in the cafeteria. Ticket stations will be setup in the hallway and in the cafeteria.
There will also be a SILENT AUCTION of art drawings made by Special Needs Students.